How the PSA Certified Ecosystem Removes Barriers to Device Security
Discover how PSA Certified helps organizations across all markets unlock innovation with a Root of Trust.

How Microsoft and PSA Certified are Driving Digital Transformation Based on a Common Foundation of Security
Discover how Microsoft and PSA Certified are aligned on a vision of a more secure IoT that will drive new innovations for customers on their journey of digital transformation.

Arrow ‘The combination of the PSA Certified security methodology, and Arrow’s end-to-end support services bring a unique collaboration’
Technology distributor, Arrow, is a lead innovator in IoT solutions and services, providing the highest quality of products to OEM customers. Knowing the importance of security, Arrow works with silicon and system software vendors to leverage pre-certified components and remove the barriers to security for their customers. Explore the collaboration providing trust and confidence to end customers.

How PSA Certified Helped Eurotech to Unlock New Industrial Applications
Eurotech shares the security considerations for industrial and edge applications, how they reduced the costs of security and ultimately how they achieved PSA Certified Level 1.

Nordic’s Commitment to Security Robustness and PSA Certified
Read more about how Nordic Semiconductor has aligned with PSA Certified since the very beginning of the scheme, their new PSA Certified Level 2 products, plus their promise to achieve PSA Certified Level 3 in the near future.

How Flex and PSA Certified Are Building Trust Across Multiple Markets
Explore how Flex and PSA Certified are building trust in the IoT, using pre-certified components and showcasing security best practices.

How Silicon Labs Became the World’s First Company to Achieve PSA Certified Level 3
Learn more about Silicon Labs and their approach to security.
Confidence to Create Together
PSA Certified is a global partnership providing independent evaluation. We are collaborating with our partners to combat challenges, providing an IoT security framework and certification program that gives you and your customers the confidence to create.