Thanks for your interest in using the PSA Certified brand in your communications. Whether you’re a PSA Certified board moment, partner or ecosystem member, the PSA Certified Brand Guidelines offers a holistic view of all the logos, colours and approved language. You can also keep reading for more information on how to use the PSA Certified logos.
Using PSA Certified Logos
Please follow these guidelines only if you are permitted to use the PSA Certified and/or PSA Functional API Certified logo(s) under the terms of the PSA Certified Trademark agreement. To request permission to use the logos please visit the Trademarks Usage Request page. If you have any questions about these guidelines please contact the PSA Certified founders.
Using the PSA Certified Logo
There are eleven PSA Certified logos. Logos can only be used once the level of certification has been achieved. The PSA Certified brand logo should only be used when referring to the brand and in broad communications about PSA Certified, not in conjunction with a certified product.
Click on the Logos Below to Download

Color Usage of the PSA Certified Logo
The use of the logo with any colour other than PSA Certified brand green, black, or white is not permitted. Please see the following images for examples of proper color usage.
The specifications for PSA Certified green are:
- CYMK: C63 M0 Y40 K0
- RGB: R93 G188 B171
- Web: #5DBCAB

Horizontal Logo
When the brand logo aspect ratio isn’t suitable for a use case or design, the horizontal PSA Certified logo can be used. This is an exception to the norm and should only be used in exceptional circumstances.
Space and Size Dimension Requirements When Using the PSA Certified Logo
The minimum size of the PSA Certified logo is:
- 30.5mm/115px wide
There must always be a minimum clear space around the logo. This clear space is equivalent to the height of the ‘p’.

How to Correctly Reference Your PSA Certified Certification in Written Text
For full information on how to use the PSA Certified brand in prose, these guiding principles will get you started.
- PSA Certified is a registered trademark and should use a TM mark on first use.
- Your product should be referenced as “PSA Certified Level X”. The level should be written in numerical form, for example PSA Certified Level 1.
- You shouldn’t shorten the brand to PSA, or expand PSA to “Platform Security Architecture”.
- The PSA Certified trademark is not associated with the Arm brand and does not need Arm branding. However, if you wish to refer to Arm, you can refer to Arm as co-founders of the PSA Certified scheme.
Further guidance on using the PSA Certified logos
- Do not alter or deform the shape of the logo in any way. The logo must appear exactly as shown: the elements, proportions and relationships must not change.
- Do not replace the logotype with a different typeface.
- Do not imitate any element of the logo, including its trade dress.
- Please include the following trademark notice in all materials: PSA Certified and the PSA Certified, PSA Functional API Certified and PSA Certified API logos are trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere. All rights reserved.
- Do not use the logo or logotype as an element in titles, headlines or text.
- Do not place competing visual elements (including but not limited to other trademarks) close to the logo.
- Do not set type near to the logo that could be construed as a corporate slogan or motto.
- Do not display the logo more prominently than your own trademarks, logos and names. This includes, but is not limited to company name, trade name, product name, service name, technology name, social media name or handle.
- Do not use the logo in any orientation other than horizontally.
- Do not use or register the logo (or any part of it) as part of another trademark, logo or name. This includes but is not limited to a company name, trade name, product name, service name, technology name, social media name or handle.
- Do not use the logo in any manner that expresses or implies that Arm has any affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, certification, or approval of your product, service or company.
- Do not use the logo to make fun of Arm or portray Arm in a negative way.
- Any and all goodwill arising from use of the logo inures exclusively to Arm Limited.
Examples of Incorrect Use of the PSA Certified Logo