Using the PSA Certified IoT Security Framework

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PSA Certified is providing a common language for the industry, allowing the entire value chain to work to the same requirements. The PSA Certified framework offers a standardized approach from initial IoT security design and implementation to security evaluation. It also provides a comprehensive set of free resources to help you build-in best practice security from the beginning of product development. Built by industry experts, it’s been adopted by a rapidly growing ecosystem of silicon vendors, system software providers and device manufacturers. 

Analyze, Architect, Implement, Certify

For Silicon

For silicon vendors, PSA Certified offers multi-level certification with increasing robustness focused on the silicon’s PSA Root of Trust.

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For Software Providers

System software providers can showcase critical security principles with PSA Certified Level 1 and leverage security functions with APIs.

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For Device Manufacturers

Device manufacturers can demonstrate best practice security in endpoint devices and development platforms with PSA Certified Level 1.

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Join the Ecosystem That Is Revolutionizing Embedded Security


Certifications in our Database


Companies with PSA Certified Products